Denis Creedon Consulting Engineering & Company provides a full planning service including architectural plans, site plans, site surveys and site assessment reports. We take care of all matters relating to the application process. We work closely with all clients during the design process to achieve the most satisfactory design to suit the clients taste, requirements and budget.

Planning Consultant Engineer
Building a home can be a complicated and challenging process. By engaging a suitable planning consultant early on in the process, you are providing yourself the best chance for the entire process to go as smoothly as possible. We will provide appropriate advice and support through all stages of the project from Design, Planning, Tendering, Construction and Certification on Completion.
At Denis Creedon Consulting Engineers & Co, we have over 20 years of experience in planning consultancy and whether you are extending your home, or embarking on a new build we are here to assist you through all stages of the works.
We have extensive knowledge on the following areas which are essential to any successful project:
The Planning & Development Regulations
City and County Development Plans
The Cork Rural Design Guide
The Building Regulations
The Building Control Regulations
The Building Product Regulations
Health & Safety Regulations
Latest Planning Blogs
What areas do we provide clients with apartment surveys?We cater our apartment surveys to clients throughout County Cork.
How can you contact our team to book an apartment survey?You can book an apartment survey by phone at 022 21157 or alternatively you can send us an email at